Welcome Back
Don’t miss any opportunity to build rapport in the sales process. If a prospect’s out-of-office reply comes back from a drip campaign you’re running, set up a timely response with a welcome back message.
Using automation, drop any out-of-office leads into a separate sequence before resuming your drip campaign. The new sequence schedules a short, cheery welcome back email two days after the lead is scheduled to return to the office. Reps should immediately call once the lead opens the welcome back message.
- Identify out of office (OOO) replies from email and associated date of return.
- Start play upon return to office date if specified (otherwise wait 7 days).
- Enroll in OOO Welcome Back sequence.
Subject: Welcome Back!
Body: Hi [first name]:
Hope you enjoyed your time off! I’m bumping up my previous email to the top of your inbox. I truly believe that the information I sent you can make a significant impact for you and your organization this year. Looking forward to hearing back.
With your success in mind,
[sales rep first name]