Øystein Flisnes Husby

Øystein Flisnes Husby

Jeg er utdannet fra Copenhagen Business School (CBS), med en mastergrad innen «Finance and Investment». .Read More
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Elkjøp Nordic AS (part of Currys plc)


Elkjøp is the largest consumer electronics retailer in the Nordic countries, with over 414 stores (including franchise) across six countries and approx. 12.000 employees. The company is owned by British Currys plc. Revenue 2020/2021: NOK 49,8 billion EBIT 2020/2021: NOK 1.808 million Elkjøp trades under several different brands: Norway: Elkjøp and Elkjøp Phonehouse Sweden: Elgiganten and Elgiganten Phonehouse Denmark: Elgiganten Finland: Gigantti Iceland: Elko. Faroe Islands: Elding.

Checkout the current workspace, designation and role of Øystein Flisnes Husby
Professional Background of Øystein Flisnes Husby

- Assisted in providing seamless support and guidance to clients, contributing to their overall success.

- Delivered exceptional customer support, resolving inquiries and ensuring customer satisfaction.

- Completing comprehensive training programs, resulting in a diverse range of knowledge and skills.

- Developed and implemented strategic initiatives to drive organizational efficiency and maximize productivity.

- Guided company-wide operational excellence, achieving record-breaking revenue growth.

- Streamlined operations and achieved cost savings through efficient team management.

- Implementing effective safety protocols, minimizing workplace accidents, and ensuring a harmonious work environment for all.

- Developed and implemented strategic initiatives to drive organizational efficiency and maximize productivity.

- Transformed company culture and fostered leadership, resulting in increased success and strategic decision-making.

Skills of Øystein Flisnes Husby

Work Experience of Øystein Flisnes Husby

Education Experience of Øystein Flisnes Husby

Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School

Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST)

Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST)

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Public Presence of Øystein Flisnes Husby
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