Alexis Coyne

Alexis Coyne

Alexis Coyne is a professional with work experience in the financial services industry. She has worked as a First Flyer at Freedom Mortgage in Boca Raton, Florida, and as a Product Owner at PNC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Freedom Mortgage is a well-established company with a focus on financial services. PNC is a large organization with a large staff, while PNC is a large organization with a large staff. Alexis Coyne's expertise lies in the field of financial services and product management. .Read More
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We’ll help keep your money boring so your life doesn’t have to be.

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Professional Background of Alexis Coyne

- Delivered exceptional airline service to clients, ensuring a seamless journey and exceeding expectations.

- Launching a successful product, attracting a diverse set of market leaders and driving market expansion.

- Established a successful product line that grew exponentially, achieving the highest customer satisfaction ranking.

Work Experience of Alexis Coyne

Education Experience of Alexis Coyne

High Point University

High Point University

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