Amy Boyle

Amy Boyle

Amy Boyle is a highly experienced professional with 13.8 years of work experience. She is currently the Chief Operating Officer at Inflammatix, Inc. in the United States. Prior to this, she held the position of Executive Vice President, Marketing at IMRIS, Deerfield Imaging. Amy has a strong background in biotechnology research and has worked with various companies in the industry. She is known for her expertise in corporate brand and marketing. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Amy Boyle

Inflammatix, Inc.


Inflammatix is developing an innovative point-of-care instrument platform to be used with a test to aid in the diagnosis of acute infection and sepsis by harnessing the immune system to deliver advanced immune response diagnostics. Our test rapidly informs the clinician about the likelihood of bacterial or viral infection and the need for ICU level care in the emergency department. Faster results may translate into more timely and appropriate therapy and level of care decisions. *Products in development, are not for sale, and do not have marketing approval or clearance from regulatory authorities in any jurisdiction.

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Professional Background of Amy Boyle

- Developed and implemented effective strategies to drive brand awareness and increase sales revenue.

- Streamlined operations to optimize efficiency and enhance profitability.

Work Experience of Amy Boyle

Education Experience of Amy Boyle

Queen's University Belfast

Queen's University Belfast

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