Anabela Caetano

Anabela Caetano

Anabela Caetano is a highly experienced professional with 22.8 years of work experience in various roles. She specializes in business intelligence, data warehousing, SQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. Based in Portugal, Anabela has a strong background in requirements analysis, database modeling, and BI and reporting. She has worked for reputable companies such as EDP, Portugal Telecom, Barclays, and GE, where she has demonstrated her expertise in project management and business analysis. With her extensive skills and experience, Anabela is a valuable asset in the field of business analysis and project management. .Read More
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Our story began more than 40 years ago. Today we are a global company, among the largest players in the energy sector in Europe and the 4th largest producer of wind energy. We are proud to be a leading utility integrated in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World). We want to build a new energy by promoting renewable sources. To do this, we have chosen ... ... To be 100% green by 2030; ... To be Net Zero by 2040; ... To innovate, to shape the energy sector; ... Empower our communities to live more sustainably. Ours is the energy that strives to create a better future, inspired by people from four regional hubs. It is the energy that knows no borders, that never sleeps, and that connects us to you. We will harness wind, sun and water to lead the energy transition. We will all be green. We choose the Earth. Welcome to the official EDP Group LinkedIn page.

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Professional Background of Anabela Caetano

- Driving data-driven decision cutting and implementing effective program strategies for optimal performance and organization.

- Transforming corporate clients through strategic IT initiatives, optimizing their business operations and driving productivity.

- Delivered strategic insights and recommendations to clients, driving business growth and achieving exceptional results.

- Implementing strategic insights to optimize business performance and drive team performance.

- Assisted clients in successfully managing their CRM integration and implemented robust CRM solutions.

- Driving the successful launch of innovative products that captivate and delight customer populations.

- Optimized operational efficiency by implementing effective processes and leveraging data analytics capabilities.

- Creating reliable CRM tools to optimize client satisfaction and drive business growth.

- Implemented data-driven processes, optimizing productivity and driving increased efficiency.

- Driving product development and market expansion through strategic planning and effective supplier relationships.

Skills of Anabela Caetano

Work Experience of Anabela Caetano

Education Experience of Anabela Caetano

Instituto Superior Técnico

Instituto Superior Técnico

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