Antonio Jorde

Antonio Jorde

Antonio Jorde is a Director at Estado Activo, a technology and media company based in Spain. He has extensive experience in the General Management and Other departments at Estado Activo. Antonio has been with the company since its founding in 2009 and has played a key role in its growth and success. With a focus on technology, information, and internet, Estado Activo is a prominent player in the industry. Antonio's expertise and leadership have contributed to the success of the company. .Read More
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Estado Activo


Somo una productora interactiva. Nuestra especialidad es internet y todo lo relacionado con el mundo online. Desarrollamos su proyecto y potenciamos su marca o negocio. Trabajamos con empresas del ambito del Marketing Online, Publicidad y E-commerce. Llevando a cabo tareas de asesoramiento, posicionamiento en internet SEO/SEM, desarrollo de microsites promocionales, landings, desarrollo de sitios web de comercio electrónico y aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles. Internet no es una opción más, es la opción.

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Professional Background of Antonio Jorde

- Implementing strategic initiatives and streamlining processes to optimize efficiency and drive exceptional performance.

- Increasing sales revenue through strategic marketing initiatives and innovative customer service initiatives.

Work Experience of Antonio Jorde

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