Ashani Senanayake

Ashani Senanayake

Ashani Senanayake is a highly experienced professional with 17.6 years of work experience in human resources. She has a strong skill set in recruiting, training, management, employee engagement, and performance management. Based in Auckland, New Zealand, Ashani has worked at Electrix as an HR Manager and Human Resources, as well as at Te Roopu Taurima as a Human Resource Advisor. She is known for her confident and assertive approach, working well under pressure, and her ability to thrive under pressure. .Read More
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Electrix is a leading provider of engineering, construction and maintenance services to asset owners in the utility, industrial, commercial, resources, and infrastructure sectors. We are recognised as a premier provider of services in the highly competitive sectors in which we operate. We have achieved this by building long-term relationships and remaining focused on helping customers overcome challenges and achieve their business goals. We commenced operations in New Zealand in 1955 and in Australia in 1997 and have structured the business to provide customers with an end-to-end capability. We have a geographic reach having completed major projects in; New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, American Samoa, Indonesia, the Maldives and the Marshall Islands. Our parent company is VINCI Energies, a French business with a turnover of €9.25 billion, operating in about 50 countries including some 30 outside Europe. VINCI Energies has a strong focus on combining global expertise with local service, providing Electrix with the financial strength and stability to support large projects.

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Professional Background of Ashani Senanayake

- Streamlined recruitment process, resulting in faster and more efficient candidate selection and hiring.

- Improving employee engagement through effective recruitment strategies and fostering a high-performing workforce.

- Implementing effective recruitment strategies that attract top talent and drive recruitment excellence.

Skills of Ashani Senanayake

Work Experience of Ashani Senanayake

Education Experience of Ashani Senanayake

Massey University

Massey University

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