Ben Moore

Ben Moore

Ben Moore is a highly experienced Senior Photo Equipment Technition at Jireh Semiconductor with 26 years of work experience. He has a diverse skill set including video editing, production, leadership, and business analysis. Ben has worked at reputable companies such as Analog Devices, Maxim Integrated, Alpha & Omega Semiconductor, and IDT - Integrated Device Technology, Inc. He is known for his expertise in equipment maintenance, semiconductors, and photolithography. Ben is based in Vancouver, Washington, and has a strong background in the semiconductor industry. .Read More
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Analog Devices


Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI) is a global semiconductor leader that bridges the physical and digital worlds to enable breakthroughs at the Intelligent Edge. ADI combines analog, digital, and software technologies into solutions that help drive advancements in digitized factories, mobility, and digital healthcare, combat climate change, and reliably connect humans and the world. With revenue of more than $9 billion in FY24 and approximately 24,000 people globally, ADI ensures today's innovators stay Ahead of What's Possible. Learn more at

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Professional Background of Ben Moore

- Creating a successful business that drives profitability and solidifies their reputation as a leading player in their

- Captured stunning images and produced captivating visuals while gaining hands-on experience in photo editing.

- Overseeing and maintaining photo equipment to enhance operational efficiency and accuracy.

- Successfully implemented advanced imaging techniques to improve accuracy and efficiency in photolithography equipment engineering.

- Creating captivating animated characters that tell compelling stories and bring stories to life.

- Developing innovative imaging techniques for advanced photo equipment, enhancing technical capabilities and accuracy.

- Developed cutting-edge photography equipment solutions, optimizing workflow efficiency and enhancing overall studio functionality.

- Designing stunning image quality and maintaining high standards in technical workflow.

- Executing successful marketing campaigns that driving brand recognition and market dominance.

Skills of Ben Moore

Work Experience of Ben Moore

Education Experience of Ben Moore

Clark College

Clark College

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Gallery of Ben Moore
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