Bob Davis

Bob Davis

Bob Davis is a highly experienced professional with over 40 years of work experience. He has a strong background in business process transformation and performance management, delivering quality and bottom-line results. Bob is known for his ability to drive quality and bottom-line results, and his expertise extends to operational systems innovation, mentoring, and guiding sustainable productivity gains. He is dedicated to providing exceptional service to health care providers and has a deep understanding of the industry. Bob's specialties include healthcare operations improvement, systems redesign, IT benefits realization, and cost management. .Read More
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RDA Consulting, SPC


RDA Consulting’s mission is to work toward a just and equitable society by partnering with diverse stakeholders in addressing barriers to individual, organizational, and community well-being. Founded in 1984 as a grant writing firm, RDA Consulting has evolved into a full-service consultancy providing an integrated approach to organizational development, facilitation and training, assessment and planning, research and evaluation, resource development, and data system development. We deliver these services to clients and communities across vital intersecting health and human service sectors, including public health and behavioral health, housing and homelessness, child and family welfare, education and workforce development, criminal and juvenile justice, violence prevention and public safety, and transportation

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Professional Background of Bob Davis

- Successfully implemented strategic initiatives, driving organizational growth and enhancing industry partnerships.

- Successfully acquired and closed multiple construction projects, contributing to the company's financial success.

- Implementing strategies to enhance student engagement and performance in the school through comprehensive curriculum development and educational outreach.

Work Experience of Bob Davis

Education Experience of Bob Davis

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Penn State University

Penn State University

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