Borja Subirat Sánchez

Borja Subirat Sánchez

Borja Sanchez is a highly experienced professional who has worked at Plexus Tech in Spain-Balearic Islands-Palma. She held the position of Jefe De Proyecto in the Other department. Plexus Tech, founded in 2000, is a company with 1001-5000 employees that specializes in IT Services and IT Consulting, Professional and Technical Services. With her expertise and leadership skills, Borja has contributed significantly to the success of the company. .Read More
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Professional Background of Borja Subirat Sánchez

- Successfully executed research and development projects, establishing strong partnerships and driving cross-functional collaboration.

- Driving product strategy and delivering successful launch campaigns to revolutionize the industry.

Work Experience of Borja Subirat Sánchez

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