Brandon Do

Brandon Do

Brandon Do is a SDSU graduate with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. With 9.7 years of work experience, he has a strong interest in manufacturing and design. Brandon has worked on various projects throughout his engineering journey, specializing in design, assembly, analysis, manufacturing, quality control, inspection, SLS, project management, testing, and more. He is currently seeking a position that allows him to apply his engineering and interpersonal skills to grow as an individual. Brandon has worked as a Test Engineer at Tour Engine, Inc. and has also held positions as a Property Manager, Manager & Bartender, and Team Trainer. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Brandon Do

Tour Engine, Inc.


THE TOUR ENGINE IS A PATENTED, SPLIT-CYCLE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE THAT USES SUPERIOR THERMAL MANAGEMENT TO DELIVER DRAMATIC EFFICIENCY GAINS. The applications and advantages of not only increased fuel efficiency, but easily commercialized technology, are the driving factors behind our goals at Tour Engine – and the reason we push everyday to get the best results. The current Tour Engine prototype focuses on Micro-Grid energy production to help find solutions for local grid instability in communities all over the world.

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Professional Background of Brandon Do

- Maintained accurate testing records, ensuring compliance with safety standards and ensuring accurate system integration.

- Developing and implementing efficient project management and testing strategies to drive organizational productivity and customer satisfaction.

Work Experience of Brandon Do

Education Experience of Brandon Do

San Diego State University

San Diego State University

San Diego Mesa College

San Diego Mesa College

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