Chantel Williams

Chantel Williams

Chantel Williams, CFP(r) is a highly experienced professional with 2.8 years of work experience. She possesses strong leadership and public speaking skills, along with expertise in series 7, series 66, and 401k options. Based in Houston, Texas, Chantel is the Chief Operating Officer at The AFP Group, LLC, where she focuses on guiding women and their families towards their retirement and financial goals. She is dedicated to providing a comfortable environment for women to express herself, ask questions, and learn. Chantel's commitment to education and advice empowers her clients to make important decisions for their financial goals. She is dedicated to partnering with professionals to make their financial future their priority. .Read More
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The AFP Group, LLC


At The AFP Group, LLC we understand that few things are as personal as your hopes for the future. We believe your relationship with your financial advisors should be as open and comfortable as a good friendship. Personal, responsive relationships with our clients are what make us different. Our philosophy of service is who we are. Our sensitivity to the personal as well as practical implications of making financial decisions helps make people successful. Representatives offer products and services using the following business names: The AFP Group, LLC –insurance and financial services | Ameritas Investment Company, LLC (AIC), Member FINRA/SIPC –securities and investments | Ameritas Advisory Services (AAS) – investment advisory services. AIC andAAS are not affiliated with The AFP Group, LLC. Products and services are limited to residents of states where the representative is registered. This is not an offer of securities in any jurisdiction, nor is it specifically directed to a resident of any jurisdiction. As with any security, request a prospectus from your representative. Read it carefully before you invest or send money. A representative will contact you to provide requested information. Representatives of AIC and AAS do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor or attorney regarding your situation. Information posted to this site by 3rd parties or links to 3rd party sites are not created or endorsed by AIC, AAS or their representatives. Their information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, their content cannot be guaranteed.

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Professional Background of Chantel Williams

- Optimized operational efficiency by implementing new processes and increasing cost-effectiveness.

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Education Experience of Chantel Williams

Florida State University - College of Business

Florida State University - College of Business

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