Claudia Nicoletti

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ESI Media


ESI Media is an innovative, award-winning media business. Voted Media Week’s Brand of the Year, our brands include the Evening Standard, The Independent. Our portfolio offers advertisers cross-platform quality content and a range of audiences. You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram: @ESI_Media

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Professional Background of Claudia Nicoletti

- Driving revenue and market penetration through strategic planning and effective company-wide marketing campaigns.

- Driving revenue and market penetration through strategic planning and effective company-wide marketing campaigns.

- Implementing effective advertising strategies to drive consumer engagement and brand awareness.

- Developing a comprehensive advertising strategy to boost brand visibility and drive sales growth.

- Successfully developed strategic partnerships and built strategic partnerships, driving revenue growth and expanding market reach.

Work Experience of Claudia Nicoletti

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Personal Interests of Claudia Nicoletti
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Public Presence of Claudia Nicoletti
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Data Breaches of Claudia Nicoletti
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Gallery of Claudia Nicoletti
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