DC SHARMA is a highly experienced finance professional with over 26 years of experience in global multi-million dollar organizations. He has a strong track record in financial management, business advisory roles, and spearheading business operations. DC SHARMA has successfully turned around loss making companies into profitable. He is skilled in achieving top-line objectives and impacting business growth through transformation of financial accounting systems. With a background in managing multi-million dollar budgets and implementing strategic business plans, DC SHARMA has a proven ability to drive inorganic growth and improve financial health. .Read More
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Current Workspace of DC SHARMA

Eastman Auto & Power Limited


Established in 2006, Eastman Auto & Power Limited is a well-known name in the field of solar energy, energy storage, and power electronics, boasting a USD 420 million revenue and a dedicated workforce of over 3,000 professionals. Building on the group's decades-long success and maintaining the trust of our partners, Mr. Jagdish Rai Singal ventured into the future of energy with Eastman Auto & Power Limited. Today, the business spans over 40 countries across Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Europe and provides the world with cutting-edge products that have set new benchmarks in their respective segments. Driven by innovation, we continually set industry standards, ensuring uninterrupted power supply for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

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Professional Background of DC SHARMA

- Driving financial strategies and strategies to optimize profitability and drive sustainable growth for the company.

- Optimized financial processes and increased profitability through strategic planning and effective risk management.

- Implementing strategic financial planning to optimize operations and drive profitability for the company.

Work Experience of DC SHARMA

Education Experience of DC SHARMA

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Shyam Lal College

Shyam Lal College

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