Danl Kasow

Danl Kasow

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ENVIRONMENTAL MACTEC provides comprehensive, innovative solutions for environmental compliance, management, and remediation. Our experience with air, land, water, and contaminants spans more than six decades. Our environmental projects roster includes public and private clients throughout the world. ENGINEERING MACTEC excels at defining and designing A/E projects that are broad in scope, deep in purpose, and sustainable by intent. Our architectural, engineering, and facilities-management expertise enables us to complete projects on time, on budget, and on standard for quality. CONSTRUCTION MACTEC specializes in new and remedial construction and CM, through a wide variety of roles, services, and deployable resources. For new construction and renovation, demolition and removal of all types of structures, and brownfields restoration, our project teams execute safely and effectively.

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Professional Background of Danl Kasow

- Creating a successful and sustainable business from the ground up, driving profitability and profitability.

- Established and rebuilt MacTechnyc, becoming a trusted and sought-after company.

Work Experience of Danl Kasow

Education Experience of Danl Kasow

Emerson College

Emerson College

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Gallery of Danl Kasow
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