Dawn Kramer

Dawn Kramer

Dawn Kramer is an experienced professional with 36.5 years of work experience. She is based in Burntstown, Pennsylvania, United States. Dawn has a strong background in developing and documenting requirements for applications, interfaces, reporting, and letters. She is skilled in collaborating with customers to improve workflow processes and gather legislative, reporting, and accreditation information. Dawn is also a Six Sigma Black Belt and Project Management training. She is a capable team player with excellent communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with both internal and external customers. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Dawn Kramer

West Monroe


West Monroe is a global business and technology consulting firm passionate about creating value for our clients. We co-create solutions that accelerate results now and prepare industries to tackle what’s next. We’re excited by the possibilities that technology creates. We work with our clients to deliver on the possible, building on their goals, generating fresh insights and creating inspiring outcomes. We excel at the intersection of industry, strategy, people and technology—always driving rapid impact. Our all-in approach comes from our unique employee ownership structure. Our clients’ success is our success. From the beginning, our growth has come from putting people at the center. Fortune and USA Today consistently celebrate West Monroe as a top workplace, and we’re recognized as a leading consultancy by Forbes and Forrester. Share our passion at westmonroe.com.

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Professional Background of Dawn Kramer

- Achieved record-breaking revenue growth by implementing strategic initiatives and fostering a high-performing team.

- Developed and launched a highly successful pharmaceutical product, driving patient outcomes and increasing market share.

- Implementing effective project management techniques to optimize efficiency and meet client requirements efficiently.

- Successfully coordinated the release of multiple successful products, driving business growth and enhancing customer satisfaction.

- Providing strategic insights and guidance on clinical cases, for clients, and delivering impactful interventions.

- Successfully delivered complex projects on time and within budget, exceeding client expectations.

- Conducted comprehensive data analysis to inform strategic decision-making and mitigate risks of emerging business challenges.

- Improving patient outcomes by successfully reviewing nursing processes and ensuring compliance with protocols.

- Driving product strategy and execution to achieve key product milestones and exceed market trends.

- Transformed the brewery into a premier wine production, elevating its reputation as a premier destination for cider

Work Experience of Dawn Kramer

Education Experience of Dawn Kramer

University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

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