Dillon Wood

Dillon Wood

Dillon Wood is a highly skilled professional with 12.4 years of experience in project management, strategic planning, and customer service. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Dillon is known for his leadership abilities and ability to effectively manage time effectively. He has a strong background in inventory management and time management, and is proficient in various software programs such as Oracle Database and SAP ERP. Dillon is based in Fort Worth, Texas and holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management from the University of Texas at Arlington. .Read More
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Texas Refinery Corp


Texas Refinery Corp has a long history of developing and manufacturing premium maintenance products with one thought in mind... Unprecedented quality for our customers. Texas Refinery Corp understands that protecting your investment is paramount, and offering solutions to achieve this is what we do, and have done since 1922.

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Professional Background of Dillon Wood

- Streamlined financial processes, improving accuracy and efficiency in financial reporting and forecasting.

- Achieved record-breaking credit approvals, facilitating increased savings and secured favorable customer satisfaction.

- Streamlined financial processes and increased accuracy, resulting in improved financial operations.

- Streamlined credit management processes, enhancing efficiency and increasing risk savings.

Skills of Dillon Wood

Work Experience of Dillon Wood

Education Experience of Dillon Wood

The University of Texas at Arlington - College of Business

The University of Texas at Arlington - College of Business

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