Eddan Katz

Eddan Katz

Eddan Katz is a highly experienced professional with 19.1 years of work experience. He has worked in various roles, including Tech Policy Advisor at Credo AI, Ai Policy Clinic Research Team at the Center for AI and Digital Policy, and Platform Curator at the World Economic Forum. Eddan has also worked as a Project Lead and Data Policy at the World Economic Forum. He has a strong background in AI policy, data analysis, and research. Eddan is currently based in San Francisco, California. .Read More
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Ethical Intelligence


A professional network for the practitioners, the implementers, and the doers dedicated to transforming Responsible AI from concept to reality. A global community designed to cultivate the space for interdisciplinary collaboration in Responsible AI and Ethics, the EI Network brings together members to share expertise, experiences, and best practices in the pursuit of innovative solutions and critical thought. Ethical Intelligence is home to the world's largest network of Responsible AI and Ethics consultants. Professional services are provided on request. Apply to join at https://www.ethicalintelligence.co/apply

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Professional Background of Eddan Katz

- Building a successful startup from scratch, revolutionizing the industry with innovative solutions and technology solutions.

- Providing expert technical policy advice and recommendations to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in optimizing project execution.

- Achieving comprehensive AI policy insights on clinic research, revolutionizing decision-making and fostering organizational innovation.

- Creating engaging and user-friendly user experiences, enhancing the overall user experience for iOS and MML platforms.

- Optimized data policy processes to enhance accuracy and efficiency, ensuring regulatory compliance.

- Optimized network infrastructure to enhance data transmission and improve operational efficiency.

- Built a successful startup from scratch, delivering exceptional service and establishing a reputation for excellence.

- Achieved international recognition by organizing and creating fair and engaging activities.

- Delivered captivating lectures that captivated audiences and drove student success.

- Implemented strategic initiatives to drive business growth and expand market presence.

- Implemented cutting-edge technologies to optimize operational efficiency and drive sustainable development.

Work Experience of Eddan Katz

Education Experience of Eddan Katz

Yale Law School

Yale Law School

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley - School of Law

University of California, Berkeley - School of Law

Yale University

Yale University

Harvard-Westlake School

Harvard-Westlake School

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