Erwin Ridge

Erwin Ridge

Erwin Ridge is a highly experienced professional with 31.2 years of work experience. He is currently based in Wynne, Arkansas, United States. Erwin Ridge is the Manager/Owner of Sonic Drive-In, a company founded in 1953 that focuses on restaurants, accommodation services, and food and beverage services. He has been with Sonic Drive-In since 1992, initially as a Manager/Owner in the General Management department and later as the Manager/Owner in the Other department. .Read More
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SONIC Drive-In


SONIC®, America’s Drive-In®, is part of the Inspire Brands family of restaurants. Inspire is a multi-brand restaurant company whose portfolio includes more than 8,300 Arby’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, and SONIC locations worldwide.

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Professional Background of Erwin Ridge

- Successfully managed a team to successfully launch strategies to drive revenue growth and establish a loyal customer base.

- Established a successful operations, driving profitability and establishing a reputation for exceptional quality and customer service.

Work Experience of Erwin Ridge

Education Experience of Erwin Ridge

Arkansas State University

Arkansas State University

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