Fen Labalme

Fen Labalme

Fen Labalme, CISSP, is a highly experienced professional with 42.3 years of work experience. Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at CivicActions. Fen has a strong background in transforming government processes through free and open source security and compliance. He is a trusted advocate for handling information effectively and has a deep understanding of privacy concerns. With a thesis specializing in 1981 NewsPeek, Fen has held various leadership positions in renowned organizations such as OASIS and Identity Commons. .Read More
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We help agencies improve lives through modern software and thoughtful experiences. Our goal is to help transform the way governments procure, develop, and deliver digital services. To learn more about us, visit https://civicactions.com or call +1 (510) 408-7510. -- CivicActions works closely with public sector institutions to help strategize and execute on large-scale software projects. We focus on outcomes and help agencies accomplish their missions through: - Agile approaches and human-centered design - Culture of openness, learning, and collaboration - Modern technologies and continuous improvement Our distributed team is made up of experts in agile development, open data, and free and open source software who are passionate about helping government work better. Years of work in the public sector have taught us how to meet the needs of today's government. Featured Clients - U.S. Federal Communications Commission - U.S. Department of Defense - U.S. Department of Justice - Smithsonian Institute - Corporation for National & Community Service - City of San Francisco - City of Los Angeles - American Public Media - MIT Center for Civic Media - Free Software Foundation - Federal Contract Vehicles CivicActions is now on the GSA Information Technology (IT) Services, Schedule 70. Whether you’re a potential government customer or a prospective supplier, you can find CivicActions’ capabilities under pre-negotiated terms and conditions.

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Professional Background of Fen Labalme

- Implementing robust cybersecurity measures to minimize information breaches and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

- Developed and implemented company-wide strategies resulting in increased market share and customer satisfaction.

- Led TechCross, embracing cutting-edge technology and driving innovation for the company's digital transformation.

- Driving technology innovation and implementing cutting-edge solutions to optimize operational efficiency and enhance business growth.

- Implementing automated data management systems to streamline operations and improve overall operational efficiency.

- Successfully led and organized complex technical projects, delivering exceptional results on time and within budget.

Work Experience of Fen Labalme

Education Experience of Fen Labalme

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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