Génesis Baquero

Génesis Baquero

Genesis Baquero is a social activist with over 7 years of experience in youth rights, education, and climate change. He specializes in youth leadership, addressing persistent issues in the landscape and community. Genesis has a background in teaching and has worked as a student in the field of Youth Leadership at the University of Guayaquil and as a member of various youth participation programs. He has also worked as a teacher in the university and as a member of different youth participation programs. .Read More
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Al aire desde el 1 de Marzo de 1967, Ecuavisa (Canal 2 en Guayaquil y Canal 8 en Quito) es la principal estación de televisión de Ecuador. Su señal se emite en el mundo entero a través de su Sitio Web, www.ecuavisa.com, y Ecuavisa Internacional. ¡Nos Une Ecuador!

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Professional Background of Génesis Baquero

- Driving organizational growth through strategic planning and effective leadership.

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Education Experience of Génesis Baquero

Universidad de Guayaquil

Universidad de Guayaquil

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