Genji Shimada

Genji Shimada

Genji Shimada is a highly experienced professional who has worked at Olive Garden in Orlando, Florida. As the CEO of a private company in the General Management department, Genji has played a crucial role in the success of the company. Olive Garden, founded in 1993, is a renowned restaurant chain with over 10,000 employees. Genji's expertise lies in the areas of restaurants, accommodation services, and food and beverage services. .Read More
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Olive Garden


Founded in 1982, Olive Garden is owned by Darden Restaurants, Inc. (NYSE:DRI), the world's largest company-owned and operated full-service restaurant company. With more than 800 restaurants, more than 92,000 employees and more than $3.5 billion in annual sales, Olive Garden is the leading restaurant in the Italian casual dining segment. Italy serves as the inspiration for the brand, from its menus to its award-winning wine list to the Tuscan farmhouse design of its restaurants. Most of all, Olive Garden is inspired by the warmth and genuine hospitality of the Italian people, as well as the importance of family in their culture. This passion for Italy led to the establishment of Olive Garden's Culinary Institute of Tuscany in 1999. More than 1,200 Olive Garden managers and team members have been welcomed to the CIT as part of an internal cultural immersion program designed to inspire, motivate and educate team members. To learn more, visit

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- Driving organizational growth and profitability through strategic stakeholder collaboration and innovative initiatives.

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