Hong Gan

Hong Gan

A technical leader with proven ability in managing highly efficient technical research teams. Vision for the future battery technology and successfully developed new platform battery technologies from concept to commercialization. A strong team builder and effective communicator. Effective and experienced working with quality, engineering, production, marketing and customers. Specialties: Leadership and management of R&D team; Program planning and execution; New generation high energy density lithium Ion battery using advanced Si anode; Primary lithium battery expertise - SVO, CFx, QHR and QMR; Electrolyte research for Li and Li-ion batteries; Battery component research (such as separator, current collector, etc); Battery design rules; Fundamental understanding of battery discharge mechanisms; Trouble shooting and problem solving skills; Customer eduction and technical support .Read More
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SES AI Corp. (NYSE: SES) is powering the future of global electric transportation on land and in the air with the world’s most advanced Li-Metal batteries. SES AI is the first battery company in the world to accelerate its pace of innovation by utilizing superintelligent AI across the spectrum of its business, from research and development; materials sourcing; cell design; engineering and manufacturing; to battery health and safety monitoring. Founded in 2012, SES AI is an Li-Metal battery developer and manufacturer headquartered in Boston and with operations in Singapore, Shanghai, and Seoul. Learn more at SES.AI.

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Professional Background of Hong Gan

- Maximized operational efficiency by implementing new technologies and enhancing the team's quality of life.

- Optimized operational efficiency by implementing innovative solutions, resulting in improved operational quality and improved organization.

- Spearheaded the advancement of analytical techniques, resulting in improved analytical accuracy and improved product performance.

- Driving sustainable development and scientific advancement through groundbreaking breakthroughs in the field of science research.

Skills of Hong Gan

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