Issa Hamisi

Issa Hamisi

Issa Hamisi is a highly experienced professional with 23.7 years of work experience. She has held various positions in the finance industry, including Ag Head Of Credit and Deputy Chief Finance Officer at Exim Bank (Tanzania) Limited. Issa has also worked as an Acting CFO and Deputy Chief Finance Officer at EXIM Bank. She has a strong background in banking and financial services, with a focus on credit intermediation and credit intermediation. Issa's expertise and extensive work history make her a valuable asset in the finance industry. .Read More
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Exim Bank (Tanzania) Limited


Exim Bank, a Tanzanian bank established in August 1997, continues to remain in the forefront of providing quality banking services in the across four countries. Within a short span of 20 years of its existence, the Bank has built strong brand equity through its geographical reach, innovative products, relationship management and ability to provide a faster turnaround in services; and in the process building a loyal customer base. Exim Bank has over the years expanded its presence across the length and breadth of the Country, including some at the semi urban centers. The bank has presence across Dar es Salaam (15), Zanzibar (2), Tanga, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro, Arusha (3), Manyara, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Kigoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Mtwara and Dodoma regions in Tanzania, besides its Regional presence in Union of Comoros (6 branches across all 3 islands), Republic of Djibouti (5) and Republic of Uganda (5), making a total of 45 branches and over 70 ATMs across the group – an unmatched international presence from an indigenous bank

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Professional Background of Issa Hamisi

- Driving credit division strategy, optimizing credit utilization and maximizing revenue utilization.

- Implementing strategic financial planning and development initiatives to drive profitability and enhance the company's financial stability.

- Implementing a comprehensive credit assessment tool to optimize credit performance and enhance client satisfaction.

- Developed and implemented strategic reporting strategies to maximize market penetration and improve regional business reporting accuracy.

Work Experience of Issa Hamisi

Education Experience of Issa Hamisi

Chuo Kikuu Mzumbe

Chuo Kikuu Mzumbe

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)

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