Izel Gozde Kabasakal

Izel Gozde Kabasakal

Izel Kabasakal is a highly experienced professional with 9.3 years of work experience. Based in Turkey, she has worked as an Online Marketing Manager and Research and Development Specialist in various organizations. She has also gained valuable experience through her internship at Izzet Baysal University and YouTube. Izel is known for her strong communication skills and ability to work well in teams. She is currently pursuing a degree in International Communications at Riga Technical University. .Read More
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YouTube is a team-oriented, creative workplace where every single employee has a voice in the choices we make and the features we implement. We work together in small teams to design, develop, and roll out key features and products in very short time frames. Which means something you write today could be seen by millions of viewers tomorrow. And even though we’re a part of Google and enjoy all of the corporate perks, it still feels like you’re working at a startup. YouTube is headquartered in San Bruno, California, 12 miles south of San Francisco. We also have many job openings in Mountain View, and across the globe

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Professional Background of Izel Gozde Kabasakal

- Revitalized the company's image and achieved substantial market share through innovative marketing strategies and exceptional customer engagement.

- Developing and implementing strategic international partnerships to promote cross-cultural cooperation and enhance international presence.

- Successfully implemented strategic online marketing campaigns, boosting brand visibility and driving organic traffic.

Work Experience of Izel Gozde Kabasakal

Education Experience of Izel Gozde Kabasakal

Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

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Personal Interests of Izel Gozde Kabasakal
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Data Breaches of Izel Gozde Kabasakal
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Gallery of Izel Gozde Kabasakal
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