J. Joseph Manimury

J. Joseph Manimury

J. Joseph Manimury is a Senior Banker with 47.8 years of experience in banking and exim. He is based in Tanzania and has a strong background in banking and SME financing. He is seeking a seminal role in Developmental Banking and Sustainable Livelihood programs in developing countries worldwide. With expertise in commercial banking and developmental banking, Manimury has held various leadership positions in renowned institutions such as EXIM BANK Comores, Exim Bank (Tanzania) Limited, Diamond Trust Bank Tanzania Limited, Southern California Edison (SCE), and Centurion Bank Limited. .Read More
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Exim Bank (Tanzania) Limited


Exim Bank, a Tanzanian bank established in August 1997, continues to remain in the forefront of providing quality banking services in the across four countries. Within a short span of 20 years of its existence, the Bank has built strong brand equity through its geographical reach, innovative products, relationship management and ability to provide a faster turnaround in services; and in the process building a loyal customer base. Exim Bank has over the years expanded its presence across the length and breadth of the Country, including some at the semi urban centers. The bank has presence across Dar es Salaam (15), Zanzibar (2), Tanga, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro, Arusha (3), Manyara, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Kigoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Mtwara and Dodoma regions in Tanzania, besides its Regional presence in Union of Comoros (6 branches across all 3 islands), Republic of Djibouti (5) and Republic of Uganda (5), making a total of 45 branches and over 70 ATMs across the group – an unmatched international presence from an indigenous bank

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Professional Background of J. Joseph Manimury

- Expanding market share by establishing strategic partnerships and driving revenue growth across multiple regions.

- Driving strategic initiatives to expand market share and achieve record-breaking revenue growth.

- Streamlined operations and expanded market share through strategic integration and optimized operations.

- Revitalized company operations, driving profitability and driving sustainable growth.

- Successfully implemented strategic initiatives, driving company revenue and enhancing market position.

- Guided the company to the high-stakes markets and establish a strong market presence.

- Driving organizational growth and fostering a culture of excellence through strategic leadership and effective leadership.

- Driving successful market expansion and establishing Elevated Bank Comores SA as a leading institution in the Southeast.

Skills of J. Joseph Manimury

Work Experience of J. Joseph Manimury

Education Experience of J. Joseph Manimury

University of Kerala

University of Kerala

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