Jeff Cherif

Jeff Cherif

Jeff Cherif is a highly experienced professional with 35.8 years of work experience. He has a diverse skill set that includes sales operations, product management, cross-functional team leadership, telecommunications, and more. Currently, he serves as the Director of Purchasing at JB Industries, Inc. in the United States. With a strong background in general management and a focus on manufacturing, Jeff has successfully led various teams and projects throughout his career. He has also held leadership positions at Motorola Solutions and has a proven track record in strategic planning and project management. .Read More
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JB Industries


JB Industries is the premier manufacturer of American made HVAC/R products. For over 50 years, JB has been committed to manufacturing products of the highest quality while providing exceptional customer service. JB products have proudly been made in America since 1967, with “Made in America” an essential part of the company’s philosophy. To learn more about our innovative product solutions, call 800.323.0811 or visit

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Professional Background of Jeff Cherif

- Building a successful business from the ground up, driving revenue growth and expanding my client base.

- Driving corporate governance and strategic decision-making through effective leadership and strategic partnership development.

- Developed and implemented strategic initiatives to optimize company operations and drive organizational growth.

Skills of Jeff Cherif

Work Experience of Jeff Cherif

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