Jeppe Rødgaard-Hansen

Jeppe Rødgaard-Hansen

Jeppe Rodgaard-Hansen is a highly experienced professional with 15.2 years of work experience in various roles related to finance and business management. He possesses a wide range of skills including financial reporting, analysis, budgeting, and project management. Based in Denmark, Jeppe has worked for reputable companies such as ELCON and Kaersgaard A/S, where he held positions such as Okonomichef and Business Controlling Manager. He is known for his expertise in financial controlling, project management, and ERP systems. With a strong background in finance and a focus on business development, Jeppe is a valuable asset in any organization. .Read More
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EL:CON is a solid, nationwide electrical installation company – both in regards to competences and economy. You can rely on EL:CON to perform electrical work professionally and with the best possible result. EL:CON is ISO 9001 certified - this is your guarantee for high quality in our execution of tasks. EL:CON has a wide range of technical skills including streetlight, industrial facilities, automation, new establishment and renovation of institutions, industry and housing. At EL:CON you are at the centre stage. We always develop the optimal technical solution tailored to your needs and current situation. We work across departments and competences - and we give you qualified advice and security in your choice of solution. EL:CON was founded in 1984 and has been owned by the energy group NRGi since 2005. The company employs approximately 700 employees and is a Danish-based company with headquarters in Aarhus.

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Professional Background of Jeppe Rødgaard-Hansen

- Optimized financial processes and achieved record-breaking fiscal growth, maximizing profitability and reducing costs.

- Implementing efficient financial reporting system, streamlining processes, and ensuring compliance with all accounting regulations.

- Optimized financial processes and provided timely financial forecasting, driving informed decision-making for business operations.

- Streamlined administrative processes, optimizing efficiency and streamlining operations for increased productivity.

- Implementing streamlined processes and providing data-driven insights to optimize operational efficiency and drive business growth.

- Implementing comprehensive financial management strategies to optimize company's profitability and drive financial stability.

- Streamlined financial processes, optimizing profitability and driving strategic decision-making for business growth.

- Implementing cost-saving strategies and driving competitive edge in financial and procurement processes.

- Streamlined financial process and ensured cost-saving regulations while ensuring compliance with legal and procurement regulations.

- Overseeing successful implementation of cutting-edge engineering projects, improving productivity and cost efficiency.

- Managing and managing operations and improving productivity through effective coordination and coordination.

- Increasing profitability through strategic decision-making and effective leadership.

- Streamlined financial processes and improved efficiency to maximize profitability and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

- Managed operational strategies, enhancing team performance and implementing strategic planning initiatives.

- Streamlined financial reporting processes, resulting in accurate and timely reporting on company profitability.

- Streamlined financial processes, enhancing efficiency and accuracy for the operations department.

Skills of Jeppe Rødgaard-Hansen

Work Experience of Jeppe Rødgaard-Hansen

Education Experience of Jeppe Rødgaard-Hansen

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Aarhus University

Aarhus University

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