Kamel ZEGHOUANI is a highly experienced Quality Manager with 22.1 years of work experience. Based in Algeria, he specializes in oil well drilling training, first aid training, and preventive training. He is skilled in risk assessment, identification des risques, and ISO 14001. Currently, he works at ENTP Drilling & WorkOver as a Quality Manager in the Operations department. Prior to this, he held various positions at ENTP Drilling & WorkOver, including HSE and HSE Advisor. .Read More
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ENTP Drilling & WorkOver


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Professional Background of Kamel ZEGHOUANI

- Implementing robust quality control processes, resulting in improved product reliability and customer satisfaction.

- Implemented comprehensive safety protocols, ensuring a secure work environment for all employees.

- Implementing rigorous quality control measures to maintain industry standards and improve overall product quality.

Skills of Kamel ZEGHOUANI

Work Experience of Kamel ZEGHOUANI

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