Karen Pichler-dachille

Karen Pichler-dachille

Karen Pichler-dachille is a highly experienced professional based in Hamilton, Ohio. She has a strong background in general management, having worked at Sibcy Cline in Cincinnati, Ohio. Sibcy Cline is a renowned real estate company with a large staff and a focus on residential, commercial, luxury, and new construction properties. Karen's expertise lies in providing top-notch service to homebuyers, homesellers, property investors, and commercial property owners. With her extensive knowledge and leadership skills, she has successfully catered to the needs of a diverse range of clients, including residential, commercial, luxury, and commercial properties. .Read More
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Sibcy Cline


Ranked as one of the top 50 independent real estate brokers in the nation, Sibcy Cline has been family-owned and operated since its founding in 1930. The current president, Robin (Sibcy) Sheakley, is the fourth generation of the Sibcy family to run the brokerage, which now has multiple offices serving over 1200 independent agents throughout Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, Dayton, and Southeast Indiana. At the root of Sibcy Cline's success is a long-standing commitment to its employees, agents, and the local community paired with a strong focus on real estate marketing innovation. In 1995, Sibcy Cline was one of two real estate websites nationally--and the only one locally-- to feature homes on the internet. Sibcycline.com now has over 35,000 viewers a day and is the go-to resource for home searches in the region. Sibcy Cline is a member of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World (LRECW), a network of the world's finest real estate companies, and proud member of Luxury Portfolio International, the luxury homes arm of LRECW.

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Professional Background of Karen Pichler-dachille

- Assisting in successful executive portfolio development, driving revenue growth and maximizing profitability.

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