Karin Hamel

Karin Hamel

Karin Hamel is a global specialist in energy management with over 100 countries. She has 18.2 years of experience in various roles, including President at PremiStar and Career Advisor at Northwestern University. Karin has a strong background in energy management and has worked with companies such as Schneider Electric and U.S. Digital Buildings. She is skilled in account management, sales management, and business development. Karin is known for her expertise in solution selling and customer service. She is based in Chicago, Illinois. .Read More
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PremiStar, formerly Reedy Industries, operates a footprint of 41 commercial HVAC, building automation and plumbing branch locations across 12 states. We’re transforming our industry by investing in leading regional owner-operators, extraordinary people, unique customer-centered solutions and the communities we serve. With nearly 2,000 employees, PremiStar helps critical facilities owners and managers in commercial, municipal, educational and industrial market segments achieve more cost-effective, more energy-efficient and healthier environments. To learn more, visit PremiStar.com.

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Professional Background of Karin Hamel

- Developing data-driven strategies to optimize business operations and maximize efficiency.

- Implemented process improvements and optimized order entry processes to enable seamless service operations.

- Implementing strategic marketing initiatives, increasing brand visibility and driving customer engagement across all departments.

- Enhanced knowledge in energy and sustainability principles through hands-on research and implementation of a comprehensive curriculum.

- Achieved record-breaking sales targets, providing exceptional services to sales team and achieving exceptional client satisfaction.

- Implementing strategic initiatives to drive growth and maximize profitability.

- Established strategic partnerships and maintained strong alliances with key industry players to drive organizational success.

- Driving strategic initiatives to streamline service offerings and increase efficiency to drive customer satisfaction.

- Creating and implementing successful digital marketing strategies to drive brand awareness and increase customer engagement.

- Driving operational excellence and increasing profitability across the North region through strategic leadership and strategic business development.

Skills of Karin Hamel

Work Experience of Karin Hamel

Education Experience of Karin Hamel



University of Rhode Island

University of Rhode Island

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