Katherine Magee

Katherine Magee

Kathy Magee is a highly experienced professional with 41.9 years of work experience. She possesses a diverse skill set including leadership, fundraising, nonprofits, public speaking, and healthcare. Currently serving as the President of Operation Smile, she has been instrumental in the success of Operation Smile since its establishment in 1982. With a strong background in healthcare, Kathy has provided over 3.5 million healthcare evaluations and performed over 200,000 surgeries for children and young adults. She is a lifetime member of the Board of Directors and has received numerous awards and honors throughout her career. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Katherine Magee

Operation Smile


We are a global nonprofit bridging the gap in access to essential surgeries & healthcare, starting with cleft surgery and comprehensive care. We provide medical expertise, training, research and care through our staff, volunteers, and students, working alongside governments, nonprofits, and health systems.

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Professional Background of Katherine Magee

- Driving strategic initiatives and revolutionizing business operations through effective leadership and strategic leadership.

Skills of Katherine Magee

Work Experience of Katherine Magee

Education Experience of Katherine Magee

University of Maryland

University of Maryland

Misericordia University

Misericordia University

Norfolk State University

Norfolk State University

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Personal Interests of Katherine Magee
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Public Presence of Katherine Magee
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