Kazuyuki Onose

Kazuyuki Onose

Kazuyuki "Kaz" Onose is a highly experienced professional with 17.2 years of work experience in corporate finance, energy, due diligence, natural gas, mergers, business planning, strategic planning, risk management, business strategy, project finance, lng, management consulting, mergers and acquisitions, and management consulting. He is currently the Senior Vice President (& CEO Summit Discovery Resources) at Sumitomo Corporation of America in the United States. Prior to this, he held various leadership positions at Sumitomo Corporation in Japan, including Global Head & General Manager of Natural Gas & Lng, Agm Of Energy Division (e&p) and Global Head And General Manager of Oil & Gas E&P. .Read More
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Sumitomo Corporation of Americas


SUMITOMO CORPORATION OF AMERICAS: AN INVESTMENT AND SOLUTIONS PROVIDER Strategic investments have transformed Sumitomo Corporation of Americas (SCOA) from a traditional trading company into a 21st century integrated business enterprise. These investments have allowed SCOA to expand into new and emerging areas of business while making us a better solutions provider to our current customers.

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Professional Background of Kazuyuki Onose

- Expanding global global network and strengthening global partnerships to accelerate operations and maximize efficiency.

- Strengthened company operations by implementing strategic initiatives and achieving record-breaking oil and gas certifications.

- Driving strategic initiatives to achieve business objectives and establish the company as a leader in the industry.

- Developing and implementing strategic initiatives to drive operational efficiency and maximize resource management.

Skills of Kazuyuki Onose

Work Experience of Kazuyuki Onose

Education Experience of Kazuyuki Onose

Harvard Business School

Harvard Business School

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