Kirsten Martinez

Kirsten Martinez

Kirsten Martinez is an experienced Executive Assistant with 10 years of work experience. She has a strong skill set in event planning, customer service, and office administration. Kirsten has worked at A-LIGN in various roles, including Executive Assistant for the CEO and President, and at Bloomin' Brands, Inc. in the Health Care & Medical department. She is currently based in Tampa, Florida. .Read More
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A-LIGN is the leading provider of high-quality, efficient cybersecurity compliance programs. Combining experienced auditors and audit management technology, A-LIGN provides the widest breadth and depth of services including SOC 2, ISO 27001, HITRUST, FedRAMP, and PCI. A-LIGN is the number one issuer of SOC 2 and HITRUST and a top three FedRAMP assessor. To learn more, visit

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Professional Background of Kirsten Martinez

- Streamlined administrative processes, increasing efficiency and productivity across all departments.

- Streamlined administrative processes, improving efficiency and supporting the CEO's leadership in the organization.

- Coordinated and organized office operations, improving efficiency and productivity.

Skills of Kirsten Martinez

Work Experience of Kirsten Martinez

Education Experience of Kirsten Martinez

University of South Florida

University of South Florida

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