Kristen Barnow

Kristen Barnow

Kristen Barnow is a highly experienced professional with 32.8 years of work experience in various roles. She has a diverse skill set including management, talent acquisition, sourcing, outsourcing, leadership, and talent management. Currently, she is a member of the newly rebranded Tential, a leading brand focused on IT and customer experience solutions. Kristen has held leadership positions at renowned organizations such as Tential, Corporate Brokers, and Asphire, where she has successfully managed teams and implemented innovative solutions. She is based in Detroit, Michigan, and is excited to be a part of the company. .Read More
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Tential Solutions


We put people first. We’re your trusted partner - empowering you with top talent and solutions to stay competitive in today’s dynamic market. From day-to-day to endgame and everything in between, we meet you where you are and help you reach your goals. We partner with clients in financial services, healthcare & life sciences, and accounting & tax services across the US to modernize technology and help you stay competitive through data & analytics, application innovation, AI, customer engagement and talent services. Tential – empowering change that wins. #MoveForwardWithUs

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Professional Background of Kristen Barnow

- Implemented strategic initiatives to drive client satisfaction and enhance operational efficiency.

- Developed and implemented strategic initiatives to drive organizational growth and maximize shareholder value.

- Building strong relationships with key clients, driving increase revenue and fostering strong relationships with key clients.

- Building strong relationships with key clients, leading to increased sales and client satisfaction.

- Expanding market presence through strategic partnerships and securing new products.

- Optimized workflows, increasing efficiency and driving cost savings for the company.

- Building strong client relationships through strategic planning and effective communication.

- Driving client acquisition and growth by fostering global partnerships and delivering exceptional service.

- Enhanced operational efficiency through strategic planning and execution.

- Expanding operational efficiency and driving cost savings through strategic planning and implementation.

- Developed a strong team, exceeding sales targets and developing strong client relationships.

Skills of Kristen Barnow

Work Experience of Kristen Barnow

Education Experience of Kristen Barnow

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

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