Kristian Zakarias

Kristian Zakarias

Kristian Zakarias is a highly experienced professional with 27.8 years of work experience in various roles. He has a strong background in recruiting, management consulting, and business development. Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Kristian has a proven track record in leadership strategy, talent acquisition innovation, and innovation. He has worked for reputable companies such as Templafy, Star, Trustpilot, and GE, where he held leadership positions in talent acquisition and recruitment. Kristian's expertise lies in building scalable talent plans, recruiting teams, and HR technology development. He is skilled in workforce optimization, analyzing complex situations, and turning strategy into action. .Read More
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Templafy is the next gen document generation platform that automates documents to remove risk and increase efficiency for over 800 organizations around the world.

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Professional Background of Kristian Zakarias

- Streamlining recruitment processes, boosting efficiency and ensuring the best candidate acquisition and nomination outcomes.

- Successfully sourced high-quality candidates, driving company-wide recruitment and hiring strategies.

- Expanding recruitment strategy to attract top talent, driving business growth in Europe.

- Exceeded recruitment targets, driving revenue growth and fostering a quality-driven workforce.

- Optimized recruitment processes and recruitment strategies across European and Asia Pacific regions, increasing recruitment opportunities for professionals.

- Conducted successful data analysis to drive strategic decision-making and optimize business performance.

- Successfully sourced and placed highly qualified candidates, contributing to the growth of the team.

- Enhanced employee well-being through effective communication and personalized support.

- Expanding global talent acquisition strategies, resulting in a diverse and talented workforce.

- Creating and implementing a comprehensive talent and talent management strategy to optimize global talent management operations.

Skills of Kristian Zakarias

Work Experience of Kristian Zakarias

Education Experience of Kristian Zakarias

Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School

Aarhus University

Aarhus University

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