Kristie Kederis

Kristie Kederis

Kristie Kederis is a highly experienced marketing and public relations executive with over 46 years of work experience. She is currently the Vice President of Marketing at LINGA rOS. Kristie has a strong background in maximizing public relations, digital marketing, and direct marketing to drive new business growth. She has a track record of maximizing public relations, digital marketing, and direct marketing to drive revenue growth and significant ROI. Kristie has worked with renowned brands such as Dr. Oz, The View, and CBS, and has received numerous awards and awards for her innovative use of medium. .Read More
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LINGA is the world’s first complete restaurant operating system. Award-winning point of sale to online ordering, inventory management, loyalty, and marketing solutions. A complete technology ecosystem for restaurant businesses.

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Professional Background of Kristie Kederis

- Implemented strategic marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness and increase customer engagement.

- Successfully audited and monitored financial transactions, ensuring compliance and mitigating risks.

- Creating comprehensive marketing strategies to enhance brand visibility and drive engagement.

- Streamlining financial operations, improving efficiency, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

- Developed and implemented comprehensive customer quality initiatives to enhance communication and enhance overall marketing experiences.

- Conducted comprehensive audits to ensure compliance and performance across the organization.

- Assisting in the creation of innovative cocktail recipes, revolutionizing the standard of French whiskey.

- Driving revenue growth through strategic partnerships and implementing effective marketing strategies.

- Driving strategic marketing initiatives to increase brand awareness and drive customer engagement.

- Increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty through effective marketing strategies and exceptional service delivery.

- Expanding market reach through strategic partnerships and effective customer service strategies.

Skills of Kristie Kederis

Work Experience of Kristie Kederis

Education Experience of Kristie Kederis

Indiana University Bloomington

Indiana University Bloomington

Indiana State University - Scott College of Business

Indiana State University - Scott College of Business

Indiana State University

Indiana State University

Acuity Institute

Acuity Institute

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Public Presence of Kristie Kederis
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