Kwesi Childress

Kwesi Childress

Kwesi Childress is a highly experienced professional with 18.5 years of work experience in Mortgages and Sales. She has a strong background in the field, particularly in the Land Banking industry, where she has worked for 4 1/2 years. Kwesi is skilled in connecting with Realtors and building strong teams. She also specializes in Land Banking, helping clients prepare for retirement and sell pre-developed land. With a focus on FHA, hard money, and full docs, Kwesi is dedicated to promoting pre-development and promoting pre-development strategies. .Read More
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Land Banking Institute


Wealth Building and Retirement Planning through Land Banking. We specialize in helping people buy land with their retirement savings accounts with no tax penalties. We are not a broker or financial advisor. We are the principal who researches acquires and distributes carefully selected California premium pre-developed land.

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Professional Background of Kwesi Childress

- Increasing land loan rates by 25% through targeted marketing campaigns and tailored financial strategies.

- Optimized land banking operations into profitable partnerships, leading to increased profitability and improved profitability.

Work Experience of Kwesi Childress

Education Experience of Kwesi Childress

Santa Monica College

Santa Monica College

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