Laura Lee

Laura Lee

Laura Lee is a highly experienced professional with 15 years of work experience. She has worked in various roles, including Qblive Expert Bookkeeper at Intuit and Manager of Administration at Best Logistics Group. She also has experience as an Assistant Controller and Bookkeeper at Best Logistics Group. Laura has a strong background in the retail industry and has worked with a wide range of customers, including individuals, small businesses, and large corporations. She is based in the United States. .Read More
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Professional Background of Laura Lee

- Streamlined financial processes, improving accuracy and efficiency in bookkeeping operations.

- Streamlined administrative processes, improving efficiency and accuracy in managing organizational operations.

- Implementing efficient financial processes and ensuring accuracy through strategic reporting and analysis.

Work Experience of Laura Lee

Education Experience of Laura Lee

Alamance Community College

Alamance Community College

Appalachian State University

Appalachian State University

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