Laura Torrisi

Laura Torrisi

Laura Torrisi is a highly experienced professional with 23.3 years of work experience. She possesses a wide range of skills including administrative assistance, consulting, benefits management, and financial data. Currently, she serves as the Controller at Fiore & Sons, Inc. in the United States. Throughout her career, Laura has demonstrated expertise in various areas such as policy development, business administration, and contract management. She is known for her strong communication and problem-solving abilities, making her a valuable asset in any organization. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Laura Torrisi

CFC Construction


Construction is in our company's DNA, and CFC is proud to call Colorado home for over 40 years. Our projects have grown in size, but our attention to detail remains the same as the very first project we completed: a Native American teepee. CFC's service area extends throughout the State of Colorado. Over a 40 year span, we have completed projects from the plains to the peaks. Challenges unique to each location call for specialized expertise in design, construction method, timing and approach. Successfully completing many and varied projects in extreme weather conditions, at high altitudes and with difficult terrain and soil properties, CFC has become a builder of distinction in diverse and demanding environments. We are client based and quality driven. As a relationship-based company, we promote communication and are dedicated to long-term client and team commitments. Our ability to deliver on our commitments is evident in our exceptional level of repeat business. In fact, over 95% of our customers are repeat customers. This is the true measure of our team - a team with the proven strength and spirit to take challenges head on, get the tough jobs done, the buildings built and our customers genuinely satisfied. In 2019, CFC Construction added a Special Projects Division to expand our scope of services to better serve our clients. Focused on commercial interiors, industrial, healthcare, restaurant, retail, higher education, defense, and hospitality, CFC is able to take care of your project needs regardless of size

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Professional Background of Laura Torrisi

- Implementing strategic initiatives to drive revenue and achieve business objectives.

- Streamlined operations and achieved record-breaking revenue growth through strategic planning and effective team management.

- Streamlined HR and payroll processes, ensuring accuracy and efficiency, providing excellent consulting and support for the company.

- Successfully executed complex projects, delivering results on time and within budget, exceeding client expectations.

- Implementing cutting-edge technologies to optimize operational efficiency and drive organizational growth.

- Implemented comprehensive financial reporting processes to ensure accuracy and compliance between financial and economic reporting.

- Implementing a comprehensive risk assessment strategy that ensures smooth operations and enhanced organizational efficiency.

- Driving successful business outcomes through strategic planning, effective leadership, and risk mitigation.

- Developed and implemented cutting-edge technology solutions, delivering cost-effective solutions for customers and increasing operational efficiency.

- Successfully managed and directed multiple large-scale projects, driving efficiency and client satisfaction.

- Developing and implementing strategic financial plans to drive profitability and improve profitability.

Skills of Laura Torrisi

Work Experience of Laura Torrisi

Education Experience of Laura Torrisi

Regis University

Regis University

Colorado State University

Colorado State University

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