Loukas Deligiannakis

Loukas Deligiannakis

Helping companies in their Digital Transformation journey and use of Tech to improve Customer Experience and create more value. Devises and implements long-term strategies focused on both current and new technology that can help an organization go to market more effectively and in turn increase revenue through technological enhancements. A CIO/CTO with an ability to drive innovative enhancements in an organization and influence key stakeholder decisions. Leading from the front, hiring, shaping and inspiring great teams that align with Business to leverage technology to gain competitive edge. Hands-on practitioner with solid expertise on s/w development, business applications, devops, infrastructure and delivering complex transformation B2C & B2B initiatives. .Read More
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Public Group


Public Group strategically invests to create an ecosystem of innovative scaleups around its Omnichannel Retail business, with the objective to provide exciting customer experiences and foster Entrepreneurship in Greece. We bring together technology, talent & entrepreneurship to create value in the Greek market. We are advocates of Strategic Synergies, Bold Entrepreneurship & the Power of Human Will. Our role is to help our subsidiaries or investee companies grow and their founders to succeed through capital and creative synergies. We also aspire to play a positive role in promoting Greek-based entrepreneurship, as well as provide an environment for talent development Our investment portfolio includes Public-MediaMarkt, iRepair, Douleutaras.gr, PublicNEXT, Venture Friends.

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Professional Background of Loukas Deligiannakis

- Delivered cutting-edge technology solutions, delivering efficiency and delivering exceptional results for industries.

- Driving digital transformation by implementing effective strategies and optimizing operational efficiency.

- Provided strategic guidance and strategic guidance to drive strategic decision-making and maximize profitability.

- Providing strategic IT solutions to optimize business operations and drive digital transformation.

- Guided clients towards designing and implementing innovative software solutions to enhance operational efficiency and productivity.

- Transformed company technology infrastructure to drive efficiency and optimize performance across multiple locations worldwide.

Work Experience of Loukas Deligiannakis

Education Experience of Loukas Deligiannakis

University of Surrey

University of Surrey

University of London

University of London

The University of Manchester

The University of Manchester

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Personal Interests of Loukas Deligiannakis
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Public Presence of Loukas Deligiannakis
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Gallery of Loukas Deligiannakis
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