Magdalena Grzelak

Magdalena Grzelak

Magdalena Grzelak is a highly experienced professional based in Poland. She has worked as the Chief Marketing Officer at CCIG, a company that specializes in outsourcing and offshoring consulting. She also served as the Efektywna Komunikacja PR Coaching Mentoring at Santander Consumer Bank SA, a financial services company. With a background in PR coaching and coaching, Magdalena has a strong understanding of the financial services industry. Her expertise and leadership skills make her a valuable asset in the field of marketing. .Read More
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CCIG Group has been offering outsourced contact center services since 2002 and professionally supporting its business partners in the B2C and B2B sectors. Our knowledge, competence and experience are confirmed by 60 clients from 17 industries whom we support in all European languages. We are market experts in customer service activities and effective sales. That's because we base our business on 3 intertwining areas of the call center - creative people, flexible processes and state-of-the art technologies. As a result, we handle more than 100,000 calls every day. We use all channels to reach, acquire and retain customers: | phone | text message | e-mail | live chat | traditional mail | social media | chatbots | voicebots At CCIG, we connect the worlds of our Contractors and their Customers in ways that exceed their expectations. Every day we go beyond the beaten path, we take inspiration from the fact that everyone is unique. We want to improve tomorrow today remembering that it is always worth to talk. CCIG Group ul. Rzeźnicza 32/33 50-130 Wrocław POLAND tel. +48 71 7227200 @: [email protected]

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Professional Background of Magdalena Grzelak

- Developed and executed strategic marketing initiatives to drive brand awareness and increase conversion rates.

- Provided innovative coaching mentoring to senior pro coaching trainees, inspiring them to excel in their competitive skills.

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