Maribel Escobar

Maribel Escobar

Maribel Escobar is a highly experienced professional with 10.2 years of work experience. She has a diverse skill set that includes leadership development, educational leadership, staff development, and strategic planning. Currently, she serves as the Director III, Human Resources at the Moreno Valley Unified School District in the United States. Maribel has held various positions in different organizations, including Perris Union High School District, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona, Inova Health System, K4 Solutions, Inc., and the University of California, Davis. She is known for her expertise in curriculum development, public speaking, teaching, educational technology, teacher training, and instructional design. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Maribel Escobar

Perris Union High School District


The mission of Perris Union High School District is to create high quality relevant learning opportunities for all in a safe and caring environment. We will develop a high quality, caring staff who will be dedicated to learning, and connect students to their education and potential goals. We will care for all students while developing a growth mindset through collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking. The Perris Union High School District covers approximately 182 square miles in the southwestern part of Riverside County. A majority of the City of Perris, all of the City of Menifee, and all of the unincorporated communities of Sun City, Lakeview, Nuevo, Romoland and Homeland are situated within the District’s boundaries. The City of Perris is located 18 miles south of the City of Riverside, 75 miles northeast of the City of San Diego and 70 miles east of the City of Los Angeles. The District currently operates one middle school (grades 7-8): Pinacate Middle School; three comprehensive high schools (grades 9-12): Perris High School, Paloma Valley High School and Heritage High School; one continuation high school (grades 10-12): Perris Lake High School and, one charter school (grades 5-12): California Military Institute. The District provides education for grades 7-12 for students generated by the Perris Elementary School District and grades 9-12 for students generated by the Menifee Union School District, the Nuview Union School District and the Romoland School District. The District additionally operates an independent study program and an adult education program. The District is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees, each member of which is elected by trustee area to a four-year term. Elections for positions to the Board are held every two years in even years, alternating between two and three available positions. The day-to-day affairs of the District are the responsibility of its Superintendent, hired by the Board of Trustees.

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Professional Background of Maribel Escobar

- Achieved consistent sales numbers consistently, exceeding targets and building solid customer relationships.

- Optimized operational efficiency and reduced costs through innovative strategies and strategic partnerships.

- Developed and implemented effective talent acquisition strategies to attract top talent and create top-performing employees.

- Provided exceptional customer service, exceeding satisfaction targets and building strong client relationships.

- Provided support to patients, promoting their financial success, and ensuring their financial well-being.

- Implemented strategic HR initiatives, enhancing employee engagement and enhancing organizational performance.

- Streamlined HR processes and implemented effective employee engagement strategies in the Moreno Valley Unified School District.

Skills of Maribel Escobar

Work Experience of Maribel Escobar

Education Experience of Maribel Escobar

California State University San Marcos

California State University San Marcos

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