Marisabelle Porro

Marisabelle Porro

Marisabelle Porro is a strategic and creative thinker with 10.3 years of work experience. She has a strong skill set in Microsoft Office, marketing communications, social media, and digital marketing. Marisabelle is based in Spain and has worked in various roles, including Sr. Analyst International Business at Openbank and External MBA Consultant at ING Espana&Portugal. She is known for her multitasking abilities and her ability to prioritize tasks first. Marisabelle graduated from Boston College with concentrations in Marketing & Economics. .Read More
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Openbank, banco del grupo Santander, ofrece a sus clientes una operativa completa, cómoda y rápida, tanto por teléfono como por Internet. Contamos con toda la gama de servicios de un banco tradicional y las ventajas de la banca móvil. Nuestros clientes pueden acceder y gestionar sus operaciones en todo momento, mediante un smartphone o tablet, así como disponer de tarjeta 4B gratuita para el primer titular y acceder a toda la red de cajeros del banco Santander, sin comisiones. Más información en:

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Professional Background of Marisabelle Porro

- Contributed to product launches and secured valuable industry recognition through engaging and successful marketing initiatives.

- Creating engaging and interactive lessons to empower learners of all ages to master the field of social media and digital business

- Developed engaging social media campaigns and optimized brand visibility to enhance audience engagement and drive engagement.

- Creating engaging and impactful social media content using various techniques and techniques.

- Conducted comprehensive market research, facilitating advanced research in marketing strategies.

- Collaborated with clients to provide exceptional customer support, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

- Navigated complex global data acquisition, forecasting and analyzing data to drive strategic decision-making.

- Facilitated strategic collaborations in gaining valuable industry experience and expanding client base.

- Secured strategic partnerships with key digital clients, driving revenue growth and expanding client base.

- Improving customer satisfaction through effective communication and resolving inquiries within the first day of the project.

- Creating engaging content to enhance brand visibility and engage target audiences effectively.

- Driving cross-functional collaboration and launching innovative digital solutions to enhance global business operations.

Skills of Marisabelle Porro

Work Experience of Marisabelle Porro

Education Experience of Marisabelle Porro

IE Business School

IE Business School

Università degli studi Roma TRE

Università degli studi Roma TRE

Boston College

Boston College

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