Chana Zirkind

Chana Zirkind

MENACHEM ZIRKIND, CPA is a licensed CPA with 6 years of accounting experience. She is proficient in QuickBooks and MS Excel, with knowledge in GAAP, sales and income taxes, and financial analysis. MENACHEM ZIRKIND, CPA has worked as an Assistant Controller at Tri State Surgical and as a Bookkeeper. She is skilled in financial statements, account reconciliation, GAAP, and financial analysis. MENACHEM ZIRKIND, CPA is based in Wailuku, Hawaii. .Read More
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Tri State Surgical


Since 1976 Tri-State Surgical Supply and Equipment Ltd. Has been a pillar of the nursing home and long-term care community. During that time we have grown from a small New York warehouse, to providing the finest quality products and services at the most competitive prices to healthcare facilities across the nation. Today Tri-State Surgical distributes over 20,000 products daily to hospitals and long-term care facilities. With a network of strategically placed distribution centers throughout the country we ensure that our customers receive their supplies accurately and promptly

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Professional Background of Chana Zirkind

- Implemented efficient financial reporting systems to accurately forecast operations, ensuring accurate budgeting and decision-making.

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Education Experience of Chana Zirkind

Excelsior College

Excelsior College

Excelsior University

Excelsior University

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