Mubasher Ali

Mubasher Ali

Mubasher Ali is a highly experienced professional with 5.3 years of work experience. He is currently based in Lahore, Pakistan. Mubasher is seeking to utilize his education and leadership skills, with excellent research-oriented abilities and project execution abilities. He possesses excellent communication skills and is known for his attention to detail. Mubasher has held positions as Chief Executive Officer at HOPE CULTURE INC and ZPro Solutions, where he focused on marketing and EAM. He is flexible and eager to work in any environment. .Read More
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ZPro Solutions


ZPro Solutions is a next generation technology solution provider. Our team is committed to providing client-centered solutions to organizations across the nation in the transportation, water, utilities, energy, healthcare, education, public and private sectors. Our teams members are the pillars of our success. We focus on bringing in top talent to target your specific needs through our proven expertise in overcoming challenges leading to innovative outcomes. ZPro Solutions is dedicated to delivering unique and effective solutions to increase productivity, reduce cost, and improve performance. ZPro is DBE, MBE, and SBE certified across numerous states. We are also a trusted IBM Partner, authorized for software sales.

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Professional Background of Mubasher Ali

- Boosted company profitability through strategic decision-making and effective leadership.

- Developing and implementing effective marketing strategies across EAM platform, driving business growth and customer satisfaction.

Work Experience of Mubasher Ali

Education Experience of Mubasher Ali

University of the Punjab

University of the Punjab

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