Muhammad Qasim

Muhammad Qasim

Working as an IT Manager for UOW Pulse reporting directly to the CEO. Managing app development, integrations, websites, assets and audits. .Read More
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UOW Pulse Ltd


UOW Pulse is a not for profit organisation, with proceeds from everything purchased through our operations going straight back into enriching student life on campus. Whether that’s through events and activities, sport and wellness initiatives, or through our peer-to-peer programs such as clubs and societies and volunteering. The organisation’s membership model gives our 4200+ members direct access to additional benefits both on and off campus, and with 85% of members being current students, the membership acts as a source of student feedback and influence for UOW Pulse operations at on-shore campuses. UOW Pulse was established in 2016. It came to be with the merging of the  institution’s Students Union and the Sports Association. UOW Pulse is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which is governed by a professional Board including an elected Student-Director, with committees including the Pulse Advisory Committee comprising of current UOW students. UOW Pulse operations include: UOW UniActive, UOW UniBar, Aspire Cafe, Aspire Catering, UOW UniShop, UOW Village Grocer, KidsUni Early Education and Intervention services, and the management of campus tenancies.

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Professional Background of Muhammad Qasim

- Developed cutting-edge technologies, revolutionizing the industry by providing creative solutions and optimizing performance.

- Provided efficient and reliable technical support to optimize customer satisfaction and streamline operations.

- Implementing efficient IT solutions to streamline operations and enhance overall system performance.

- Improving technical solutions and providing exceptional technical assistance to ensure seamless integration and satisfaction for the entire organization.

Skills of Muhammad Qasim

Work Experience of Muhammad Qasim

Education Experience of Muhammad Qasim

University of Wollongong

University of Wollongong

University of the Punjab

University of the Punjab

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Personal Interests of Muhammad Qasim
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Public Presence of Muhammad Qasim
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Gallery of Muhammad Qasim
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