Neal Weber

Neal Weber

Neal Weber is a highly experienced Senior Creative Director with 34.8 years of work experience. He possesses a wide range of skills including creative direction, brand development, art direction, advertising, and integrated marketing. Based in the United States, Neal has worked for renowned companies such as We Are Alexander and Moosylvania. He has held senior positions in various departments, including General Management and General Management. With a strong background in graphic design and visual communication, Neal is a valuable asset in the industry. .Read More
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We Are Alexander


We Are Alexander is an award-winning retail-focused marketing agency helping brands stand out and WIN THE DAY at the crucial moment of purchase, in-store and online. We take a human-centric, insights-driven approach that squarely focuses on what matters: people, products and the truth that connects them. Core competencies include in-store retail campaigns (national & regional), packaging and merchandising solutions, digital/social content, e-commerce content and experiential brand activations. Our proprietary technology solutions and decades of executional expertise in premedia/production services, color and printer management, high-end photography and imaging/editing/3D capabilities drive efficiency and speed-to-market.

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Professional Background of Neal Weber

- Driving artistic excellence and fostering a culture of creativity and innovation within the creative direction department.

- Revitalized company's brand identity and targeted new audiences through impactful creative strategies that met growing brand challenges.

- Creating aesthetically pleasing and engaging designs that captivate audiences and drive brand recognition.

- Creating compelling and captivating designs that push the boundaries of storytelling and drive engagement.

- Inspired and launched groundbreaking brand campaigns that revolutionized the industry and drove the company's creative vision.

- Achieved creative excellence and collaboration, spearheading creative initiatives to leave a lasting impact.

- Transformed brand identity and established groundbreaking innovation, driving revenue growth and enhancing consumer experiences.

Skills of Neal Weber

Work Experience of Neal Weber

Education Experience of Neal Weber

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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