Nirgali Bhosle
sales executive at navigators visa global logistics limited @ Navigators Visa Global Logistics Limited.
Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India
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Nirgali Bhosle is a Sales Executive at Navigators Visa Global Logistics Limited in India. With a focus on Truck Transportation, Transportation, Logistics, and Storage, Navigators Visa Global Logistics Limited has a staff of 51-200. Nirgali Bhosle brings her expertise to the Sales department, contributing to the success of the company. Based in India, Nirgali Bhosle is a valuable asset to the company.
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+91 124255****
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NAVIGATORS LOGISTICS LTD, Gurugram, Haryana, 122018, IN

Truck Transportation

+91 1242556000

Nirgali Bhosle's Professional Milestones

  • Sales Executive: Achieved record-breaking sales targets, driving exponential revenue growth for the company.
  • sales executive at navigators visa global logistics limited : Securing record-breaking sales numbers by implementing strategies to drive revenue growth and expand market reach.