Olga Vavanova

Olga Vavanova

Olga Vavanova is a highly experienced professional with 16.6 years of work experience. She has a diverse skill set including type approval, customs regulations, translation, quality certification, and administrative assistants. Olga has worked at Motorola Solutions in the United States as a Regulatory Manager Ukraine and Type Approval Specialist. She is based in Ukraine and has a strong background in office management, conformity assessment, and sales support. Olga's expertise also extends to travel arrangements and logistics. .Read More
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Motorola Solutions


Motorola Solutions is solving for safer. We build and connect technologies to help protect people, property and places. Our solutions enable the collaboration between public safety agencies and enterprises that’s critical for a proactive approach to safety and security. Learn more about how we’re solving for safer communities, safer schools, safer hospitals, safer businesses – safer everywhere – at www.motorolasolutions.com.

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Professional Background of Olga Vavanova

- Streamlined approval processes for multiple types of goods, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

- Creating and implementing comprehensive regulatory structures to protect the company's company from potential threats.

Skills of Olga Vavanova

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